My new email address was used to create new ebay and paypal accounts BUT ITS NOT ME!

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I got about 6 emails today from ebay and paypal addressed to James ****** (not me) giving 3 items he had purchased and one from ebay asking to confirm email address.  I only opened that email address for facebook last week and it can only be seen by my known friends so how did this little sh** get hold of it ?  The three things he's purchased are all VW headlights and parts therefor and he gives an address in Keppel Texas USA (Im in England).

Ive looked everywhere on ebay and paypal on how to report him but cant find how to do it. Something fraudulent is going on here I suspect.


Ive now closed that email account. Is there anything else I can do please?

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please don't start multi-threads its not fair on others.


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