unauthorised pending payment


okay i have 2 payments from blizzard that are pending now i havnt made these payments ive already contacted blizzard they cant see anything on my accounts so someone has got into my paypal and done it that way i have tried to contact paypal sevral times no response yet. i have tried to go to resolve center and create a dispute that way but it wont let me as its still a pending payment i dont want this payment to go through as its over 80 pounds so not pennies i have no idea what else to do 

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Hello, I also have the same problem. I just received a pending payment from blizzard for 10 gbp and it was made at 4:22 am. It happened whilst I was in bed sleeping. No idea where it came from either hopefully someone finds a solution for this...

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Hi @nightanus,


Welcome to our Community!


In these situations, it is important to update the security on your account and your online access devices. If you cannot report the payment to the Resolution Centre, please make sure you follow through with the report stating that you cannot specify the payment. 

I would suggest you follow this up by calling our Customer Support on 0800 358 7911 or by sending an email through the secure Message Centre on your account. This is located in the Help section of your account.





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