Breach of Security Unreported

I have had my account blocked and since trying to get back into it,


I have found out that a cheque was issued (I didn't ask for one) then returned to Paypal because of an address issue, so my account was locked.  NOT ONCE WAS I CONTACTED BY PAYPAL CUSTOMER SERVICE OR PAYPAL SECURITY.


During this "Lockout - 3 TIMES  I have been charged Late Payment fees.


Every time I have tried to deal with it by calling/emailing Paypal, even blasting it across Twitter (I have a transcript of the message replys) not once has anyone ever told me there was a security issue.


So I asked my bank for advice and they suggested closing the account and transferring any balance to a credit card.


Every single step of the way Paypal have obstructed me from paying my account down. I have spoken to various advice agencies and refusing payment on credit accounts is not allowed. Even worse frowned upon is the charges for "Non Payment" when I have made multiple offers of payment, had them refused and then got excess charges for the priveledge.


I 100% will challenge any attempt by Paypal to instruct a collections agency, and I will counter sue and County Court charge, and I will sue for a refund of all excess charges on my account for so-called late payment, when it is Paypal who is stopping the payments and not me.

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