Seller provided different address to me than Paypal for return-


I purchased software from an ebay seller. When attempting to install I learned the software was conterfeit. I contacted the seller and he agreed to a refund upon return of the product-


"I have emailed you several times I am not sure why my emails don't get to you. I just got a batch of emails that got returned today to my email from several day ago. Might be a glitch or problem with email servers. Anyways, You can send my item back to. Once I receive the item I will issue you a full refund. I have already today responded to your paypal claim:

A*** Me***a

2*** Sanford Ave SW #1****
Grandville, MI 49418"


(*name and full address witheld for privacy concerns)

- This address is different from his paypal address. I provided the delivery confirmation to paypal and was denied my refund because of this discrepancy. The message above was sent through ebay and still resides in my inbox. Paypal DID provide a different address in an email 4 hours after I received the message from the seller. By that time it was too late.


I want to appeal this denial of refund as I feel this seller is using a loophole he knew about to scam the system.

Please advise on how to do so.


Thank you

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