Status of dispute not changing from 'under review' for over two weeks


Hi, I made a purchase with what I believe to be a fraudulent seller at the end of August. Long story short, the item they 'shipped' has been allegedly delivered to my address, but when I check the tracking details an address different to mine comes up as the final destination.


Anyway, I opened a dispute with PayPal on September 15. The case has been 'under review' ever since, and every time I try to click to escalate it to a claim I get an error message, specifically this one -


Please try again

We're sorry, something went wrong. 


 Am I just never going to get my money back? I've usually preferred paying for online shopping with PayPal because if I've ever had a problem (and I very seldom do, maybe once or twice in almost 20 years?) I know they'll have my back, but after this case I'm starting to feel differently. Help! 😞

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