Made me HOMELESS!! Go 2 **bleep** locked only 40 havent ate in 3


Paypal has caused me to be HOMELESS!! Look up **bleep**-paypal.c o m. they are thieves!!!7000 DISAPPEARED they locked up my money the only 40 i have that got sent to me to eat with 3 days with out food now and they dont even care . block me from using multiple time and shut down my buisness account with almost 7000 GONE but refuse to answer money cant leave a locked account for 180 days . Show refunded to a customer who just ripped me off for 6000 . WTF . i cant use my own money but let other people use and spend and return my money !!! . And if you notice paypal stock is skyrocketing and you know why because they have all customer service shut down but if you call for new business they answer.!!! So **bleep** exixting customers have messaged them 100 times with no answers and days in between an answer back but solving nothing! And what GREAT company would have to start a new company called venmo to fool people so they dont know its paypal im asking anyone who is fed up with paypal to please email me at <removed> to gather all who have been done dirty by them and attorney up and stop the madness. This is why our country is so **bleep** up its based on lies and live bullying on tv by our presidents when they run against each other spending millions of dollars to run against each other instead of working together and using their money to help america and its people and the money is our taken from companies like paypal to be given to the biggest liars in the country our presidents who say what you want to hear but once in office do as they want. Were not free we are made to be sheep and pick a side and corporate america continues to steal and take from us more and more everyday. Im not proud to be an American im embarrassed to be an American!

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