KanMilWorlds is fraudulent website.

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Has anyone been ripped off by KanMilWorlds?

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I have and PayPal also denied my claim bc whoever has set up this scam gave PayPal a tracking number that says the item was delivered 26 minutes after I purchased the item! Even though the website says it’s located in Hollywood CA and I’m located in VA!
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Same filed a dispute claim 24 hours after placing order when I didnt receive a confirmation then could no longer access website. Google also gave a warning of unprotected site. Waiting for resolution
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Hi I’ve listed steps below to get your money back through your bank. Remember your bank cards and credit cards are linked to your PayPal account and are always protected through your bank with FDIC. Call your bank and file a fraudulent complaint. I list full steps below.
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Hi I’ve listed steps below to get your money back through your bank. Remember your bank cards and credit cards are linked to your PayPal account and are always protected through your bank with FDIC. Call your bank and file a fraudulent complaint. I list full steps below.
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I also had this exact problem I went to the bank and got my money back that way
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  • The same thing happened to me, I received a receipt from PayPal within minutes with a tracking number that says the package was already delivered the day before I even placed the order. Let me tell yall what to do to get your money back.

1. Call UPS to find out where the package was delivered and when it was delivered and who the merchant was.

  • My tracking number said the package came from Amazon, but we all know it came from Kamilworlds. 
  • My tracking also said the package was delivered to an address in my neighborhood.
  • My tracking also said it was delivered the day before I even ordered it.

2. Within your receipt from PayPal, click the tracking number and when it opens up, screenshot the page with all the delivery information on it.

3. Do a search on google and put in Kamilworld and you will see the scam alert. Take a picture of the scam alert page.

4. Call your bank and file a fraudulent report to get your money back. You will need all of this evidence I provided above.


Paypal did not do their due diligence to verify the tracking number but just simply denied our claim. I'm concerned that PayPal may be a part of this scheme. I've had PayPal for 14 years and have never had a problem with them, but I'm very concerned with how they handled this situation without even given us a chance to appeal the case. They simply closed it with no further instructions. I'm very concerned about their involvement in this scheme. If anybody has any questions, feel free to email me, as I will be checking regularly. I have already been credited my money back from the bank while they do the investigation and I literally just filed my complaint 15 minutes ago. Good luck guys!


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The same thing just happened to me with this website: https://www.playfulspot.com/

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Take the steps I listed above. 1. Call post office to see where the fraudulent tracking number went to and what day it was delivered and where it says the package came from. Also click on the tracking number and when it opens up, screen shot it Then do a search thru google for kamilworlds name and when all the fraudulent stuff pops up, screen shot it and call your bank and give them all the information. They will give you a temporary refund until they investigate. Believe me they have way more power than us to investigate this claim. Your money is protected under FDIC so the bank will refund your money right away.
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@saturner thank you so much for posting those detailed instructions. The same exact thing happened to my dad, with PayPal refusing to refund the money and stating that the tracking number indicates that the order was already delivered. The whole thing is so upsetting. I've passed along the information you posted so that he can start his claim with his bank. I'm also filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. Not sure if that will do any good, but at least it'll make me feel better 🙂 Thanks again!

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