Tired of having to opt out of Bill Me Later every time I check out

New Community Member

I strongly urge you to stop with the Bill Me Later nag screen each time I pay for something with my paypal account. I AM NOT interested in Bill Me Later. It is becoming increasingly annoying that I have to tell you this EVERY TIME I check out with paypal. Do I need to investigate alternatives to Paypal?




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YEs It is EXTREMELY annoying. I just got charged to BML whwen I meant it to go to PAYPAL. HOW do I change this!!

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I am another in total agreement. I makes me angry for a service I purchase and pay for that I gave to have something pushed on me. There definitely should be a personal preference to opt out of these things. PayPal, are you listening. The same too for EBay. I contacted EBay to stop their inital display, but to no avail, they could not tell me how to stop it either.


**bleep** off,.

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I would like to know the answer to your question. I HATE BML!!!

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The opt out thing is in the account control link somewhere, I found it and turned it off, I think it was in my profile/my money/ and the bill me later link in there to "update", I forget exactly but bumping around in there checking each link in the my profile I found the way to change the default setting for payments where you set your preferences for credit cards and stuff.


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I can't even use BML! I have perfect credit, but because I'm only 24, apparently I don't have enough credit history for BML to accept me. Either that or it's the fraud-alerts I put on my credit reports for fraud prevention... I can't tell, they never tell me anything. I tried making a simple $100 purchase with BML some years ago and after being declined for such a tiny purchase, I'm never trying it again until they specifically address that issue in their advertising. I don't need the credit headache of multiple attempts to buy into BML's spammy marketing.


I don't even want it if I COULD get it. I don't need the credit-check on my credit record, nor the additional bill payment (I already have one credit card, thanks)...




I'm a PayPal Advantage member and I really want to just blow up the help line with "Please make it so I never have to opt-out of Bill Me Later ever again"...


I just got hit with another spam email from PayPal pushing their dead-annoying Bill Me Later service... I just want it to GO AWAY.


PayPal, you need to tell your marketing guys about this public outcry going on here... I mean, what, do we need to start a Facebook group about it or something? Your marketing is clearly overboard to the point of ticking people off to search and post in your forums about it... obviously not having the desired effect? How's your pre/post-advertising numbers looking? Enough to warrant this kind of member-annoyance?

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RIDICULOUS!!!! This is HARASMENT! I do NOT want BML OK????? SHEESH! What do you want? to annoy me to the point that I CANCEL my account. I will....TRY ME! Been here TEN years....wanna LOOSE me? What kind of MARKETING is this?????

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I have put in multiple calls to Paypal phone customer service and multiple emails to contact us over the last few days. Some emails from merchant services claim there are instructions that can take this opt out screen off; on the phone they could not tell me a way to do it - a supervisor was supposed to call me back but did not yesterday.


The irony is that I work in Web development and there is a real reason some of us are getting these flyouts and some of the other folks I have talked to, do not. I know that it's extra work and extra coding for Paypal  to put that flyout on there and it isn't part of the original payment form. In other words, its a lot of costly dev effort for something **bleep** off customers and it's a very bad business idea.


Because I participate in auction-style sales on etsy - where speed makes the difference between getting a purchase made and missing out - the 5 seconds to load the marketing flyout asking me to change my payment plan means I missed out on buying about 750 dollars worth of merchandise last week. If this flyout continues to stay there, I will be forced to cancel my Paypal account because it's main use is these lightning sales.


I believe the only way to get a marketing dept at Paypal to listen - and I say this as someone who works in online marketing - is to complain about this issue via social media or in forums away from the Paypal site. THe other tactic I am taking is filing a customer service ticket every time I encounter the flyout with Paypal. Eventually the cost of reading all my tickets and having agents on the phone (when I can spare the time) will cost Paypal and Bill Me Later more than the customer acquisition costs of several customers. I have already posted on twitter to roughly 2,700 people how bad Bill Me Later is on Paypal and that you can't opt out of it.  I realize this is a rant and not a solution, but until Paypal works with its customers on this really bad user experience, I don't know what else to do.I have two weeks until I have to decide to close down my account. I hope they fix it by then  because at the rate I'm going, they will lose thousands of dollars this year if I can't purchase this way.



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Great idea! i'm with ya. I'm also gonna call aknad abib ashnad every time this happens and complain. I think adding kudos to ALL these comments MUST have some impact also. I notice PP forums keeps track. I also notice that back in JANUARY "PAYPAL_ANDY" made a statement to this thread about looking into this ISSUE....uhm ANDY? Helloooo? You there?......~crickets~crickets~crickets~

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"- the 5 seconds to load the marketing flyout asking me to change my payment plan means I missed out on buying about 750 dollars worth of merchandise last week. If this flyout continues to stay there, I will be forced to cancel my Paypal account because it's main use is these lightning sales."


Why dont you just use auction snipe and set the amount for the max that you are willing to pay for the stuff, 4 sec's lead time and dont worry about having to beat the clock- go to bed, have dinner, watch TV, whatever and let auction snipe deal with all that via proxy bids.

That's how you win, not sitting there refreshing the page waiting till the last few sec's and hitting send!

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Agreed. This is flippin' obnoxious.


People are in debt enough without Paypal blasting them with more credit spam every time they conduct a transaction.


Unfortunately there is no real alternative to paypal, otherwise I'd cancel my account until they give me an option to opt out of their service spam.

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