with drawel


Hi there,i withdrew £40 yesturday and usually it take approx 4 hours to be put into my bank account,it is now nearly 24 hours later and it still says pending,does anyone know why this is,or is it because i withdrew on a sunday it takes longer?

waiting for it to clear so i can post items preferably today,Thank you in advanceSmiley Very Happy

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Apart from the value I am the same.  It did change to completed but at the last check it was back to pending again.  Any ideas what is happening



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Hi there ! There seems to ne a massibe problem with paypal and mlveing funds to your bank Me too haveing problems ....imsold stufg and refuse to ship untill the funds are actually in my bank account I als knkw that some bit international retailers are also haveing the same problem and will also not ship ...i Paypal neets to het a hrip of this situstion fast ...its makeing me think hard about accepting paypal payments ...i will in future ask customers to send any other form ..instead of paypal . Paypal need to be taught a lesson .
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