Set default payment source


I find it extremely annoying that PP automatically takes money out of my account balance (if there is any) to fund purchases as it's primary source.


It makes tracking and accounting for purchases very gooey as they don't always show up on a regular billing (bank account of credit card).  I would like to NEVER use the balance to fund purchases.


Is there somewhere where one can set a default preference of the ORDER in which finding sources are prioritized?


Example of what I might like to have in place - in order of priority - 

1.  Checking account

2.  Credit Card

3 . Pay Pay Balance

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Carefully read the page where you set up your "default payment source", may be titled differently, but means the same thing. Be sure to mark the proper account or source of funds for each transaction. Always check,, because there may very well be a link to BML, but YOU CAN CHANGE THAT DURING THE TRANSACTIONS.  I'm going to try to write a HUGE REPLY to all the panicking people on here regarding many of their problems. I've done returns with no problem. Today, I took some items back to Walmart that I ordered last two months. They are giving me cash back and I'll be using that money to pay on my account to avoid having monthly payments and interest.


Just to relieve you any unnecessary grief or anxiety, know that I've been using BML for several months and no problems. Return have been handled efficiently. No fraud on this site as so many having been raving....  And no, I'm not one of their employees giving advice. I'm just someone who reads fine print and reads every word on a page before I click the send button!


Have a wonderful day!!!



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