Phone number incorrect when checking out

New Community Member

Everytime I check out with any business, it will bring me to a PayPal login page. I log in and every single time, I have to remove the old phone number that is in the phone number field and add my current one. I have changed my phone number in my account settings everywhere I can find it, yet I still have an old number pop up when purchasing. Anyone know where I can change this?

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Hi @tluey51


Welcome to the PayPal Community! 🙂 


I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issues with removing an old number. 😞 I would recommend first double checking your PayPal profile to make sure that the number has been deleted from your PayPal account. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the Profile and Settings icon beside "Log out."
  3. Click Delete beside the phone you want to delete.

If you frequently shop on eBay, I would also suggest making sure that the old information has been removed from eBay:


I hope this helps!



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