Cannot remove or "Make Primary" bank accounts


I have three confirmed bank accounts linked to my PayPal account. Two of the accounts are not used any more by me, one is closed. So I added a third, active account. I confirmed it. It's on the list of confirmed bank accounts on my PayPal profile.


There are these nice little buttons to Delete or Make Primary. Well, I'm trying to delete the other two accounts. Nothing happens. I try to make the third account, the active one, the Primary account. Nothing happens again.


I switched to two other browsers, just to see if there's some problem. Nope, no go.


I know what I'm doing with PayPal, I've been using it for over a decade. This problem is just odd.

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

Suggest contacting customer support at this point, they should be able to assist.

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It's not just you. I'm having the exact same problem!
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their is no customer support at paypal, we should be able to rate them the way they rate us. after 9 weeks, still can't link cards, or primarys, my money is going everywhere but in my pocket. if so many people are having the same problems, you know this company could care less. good luck on anybody who dare call them, on then be put on hold for hours, what a shame paypal is, treating people who made them what they are like dirt. I Love ebay, but their paypal just **bleep**!!!

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New Community Member

I had the exact same problem. Neither the 'Remove' or 'Make Primary' links responded. I was trying it in Chrome ver- 29.0.1547.76, and no luck. I tried it in Firefox ver-23.0.1, and they worked fine.

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New Community Member

I had the same issue.  Like michfuer said, I installed FireFox and it worked.  It did NOT work for Safari or Google Chrome.



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New Community Member

Same problem here with Safari (Mac). I don't want to switch browsers just for Paypal. I contacted customer service and received a boilerplate response--obviously, nobody even read my question!

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