Buyer claimed package arrived broken, filed claim and is falsely saying he returned the item

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Has anyone been in a situation before where a buyer claimed the package arrived with the items broken, filed a complaint/dispute and claimed to have returned the package but did not? On top of it, he filed the claim right after I ordered $300 replacement parts for him for this so-called broken purchase! Now I feel like I have been scammed, since he had told me once he already owned a set of the speakers.  I'm starting to think he planned this all along so he could get replacement parts for his other speakers for free?! Why else would he file a dispute right after I told him I was getting him the replacement parts (which he requested and wanted).  The item is very expensive!!! Paypal has the funds on hold now, so I have a negative balance because the money wasn't in there.  How do you protect yourself against these kinds of buyers?

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Hi Fromnewyork,


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forums!


Buyer complaint cases for merchandise issues can be difficult. For more information about PayPal buyer complaints and how to prevent them please visit the PayPal Business Resource Center.


- Dustin

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