Help, regarding payment!


Dear paypal community,

My friend sent me payment for some money he loaned from me a month ago...

He showed me screenshots of him sending the money and the transaction being completed on his end and also the transaction ID, which I have as a proof of the transfer.

But, I have not received any e-mail from paypal stating that the money has been sent or kept in hold.

My account balance is still the same and there is no message in my inbox stating the money transfer/held/cancelled, etc.

I contacted paypal support via e-mail with most evidences I could provide.

It's been 2 days and still no response...

Further Info: The funds were transfered via his paypal account balance with a confirmed status at his end.

And the name of e-mail, is 100% correct...on the screenshot he gave me confirming there is no mis-match.

I can post further evidence to prove this..if that's the way I've to go.

Please, help me... I created paypal account almost 2 years ago, and this is like the 5th time, I'm using paypal.

Getting no response is really frustrating and depressing when it comes to transfer of money.

Please help or at least respond, dear paypal admins/mods/helpers, etc.. with the status of the funds, so I can ease off some strain.

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Hi Cerinth


If the money isnt in your account either it has been sent to a different email address from yours or u havent been paid.

I know its your friend but I have read many times before people have provided screen shots etc and they have turned out to be fake as they can be made up?? just saying.


Only if u contact ppal direct they can tell u if u have been paid.

Either use the contact call us tab on ppal website, dont select an options just hold on until u speak to someone or

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Minty, thank you 🙂

I feel a bit eased off after your response...

Just sent a PM to paypal on facebook, 

Hopefully they will check the status and report to me 🙂


Cerinth 🙂

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 Ok keep me informed please good luck

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