11 day and counting wait period


On November the 7th I began a transfer of money from the bank account linked to my account (which had been successfully used before). One day later, the 10th, I checkes my bank and saw the money was withdrawn. It is now the 18th and the money has yet to appear in my account. That is 11 days since starting the transfer, and 10 days where the money has been removed from my account. I realize that, since I am using a Canadian bank, the wait period is supposed to be a bit longer, but this seems a bit ridiculous to me. Is such a long wait normal? And is there any possible reason that is making the wait time longer than normal? Thanks in advance Smiley Happy

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It states 6-8 buisness days. (Weekends don't count)

And you should never count the day of as the day you sent the money. 


Not counting the 7th, or the weekends...the 19th will be your 8th and final day of process....if it doesn't show by the 20th, then it is late.


I'm in the same boat as you, I sent money that weekend, now I have to wait till mid week at the least...and that's AFTER paypal screwed up and double charged my bank account.



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