HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'POST' not supported


I've been using Paypal on my store site for a while now and haven't made any changes to the code, but a customer brought it to my attention that the Paypal buttons have stopped working in Firefox. When you hit the "Add to cart" button, it gives you an Apache Tomcat/5.5.15-150 "HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'POST' not supported."

This only happens in Firefox--everything still works fine in Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer, so I'm thinking it might be an issue with a recent Firefox update or something like that...anybody have any insight?

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Add to Cart BUttons of do not work anymore when using Chrome. The site is hosted on Windows but the errors are being returned by an Apache server which means the problem must be on PayPal's server. Any idea when this will be fixed? This has been happening intermittently for months.

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I was seeing the same problem on a site I manage.

I also tried to add something to my cart on the site listed above and had the same problem.

I found this thread: which said it was a cookie problem. I deleted all of my paypal cookies and it worked again, both on the site I am mananging as well as on the site.

Im not sure how to make this work for all external customers as they are *paypal* cookies that appear to be broken. Its a real bummer to have to tell your clients to "clear their cookies and try again if you get an error" as that is going to result in lost business for sure.

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