Can not recieve any payments


My web site will not accept any paypal payments last payment processed by paypal 4/23.   When you add an item to the shopping cart and click pay with paypal you go to the paypal page, after entering your information you return to my site(zen-cart) page 2-3 "payment information" where you see shipping, can enter a coupon or comments, then click "continue checkout" to page 3-3 "order confirmation"
when you click the "confirm the order button" you will get "10445 This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. - This transaction cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later."  

There must be a issue between the order confirmation page and paypal.  Customers report that their credit card providers say that they have not received an authorization attempt therefore they did not decline the authorization.   

Please help, for my products the 2nd biggest time of the year is father's day and I'm basically out of business without the ability to accept PayPal payments.  Thank you.

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Hi cigars,


Welcome! 🙂


I'm sorry to hear about the trouble.  I'm assuming that the zen cart and PayPal setup was working fine previously?  If so, have there been any changes made to your Zen Cart settings or information in PayPal? I know we've seen this error in the past when the receiving PayPal account is not Verified.  It's a generic error so it could also be a technical issue where the processor went down during that time but if it's happening with all orders for a long period of time, I doubt this is a processor issue.


It's been about a week since you posted so I hope the issue has been resolved by now.  If not, I recommend contacting Merchant Support by phone.


- Frank

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