Hi Bindu, I also wanted to take a screenshot in the PayPal app and ended up here, reading that this is not possible. Frankly speaking, this is paternalism in my opinion. It's my PayPal account, it's my transactions, it's my money - it's my risk if I want to take a screenshot of it. Put it to a special setting to allow screenshots, give me 3x a warning when I want to enable it - but don't block it completely. Even my normal banking app allows me to screenshot it. I just wanted to send a friend an overview of several transactions he sent to me including the descriptive text of each transactions. Such a view is only available in the app - on the website the descriptive text for each transaction is missing. So in the end I have to take a phone to take a photo of my second phone with the PayPal app open... Maybe you want to consider to allow screenshots in future. Best regards, Torben
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