Sent donation to wrong PP addy

New Community Member

Hey everyone. My first post so let's make it a good one.
I belong to a car forum where one of our members got in a very bad accident. Long story short, he crippled himself for life after wrecking his motorcycle. Now he can't work and the bills have been piling up. The accident was about 6 months ago so it's been that long since he's worked. Yea, single income family.

The guys on the forum got around and made a fund for us to donate to if we wanted to help him out. We were able to keep his bills paid for month or two so he could focus on rehab and get stabilized. I'm sure the future is a lot different than he imagined.

Now, the 12 of Jan I was cruising his FB page and saw some comments that made me realize that the banks is not very sympathetic to the problems of a paraplegic. I decided I had a little extra and sent $50 to the same PP account that I had sent to in the past, only now it's not being monitored, or so I'm told. The weird part is that the money seems to have disappeared. I contacted everyone (public humiliation ftl) but nobody seems to have a lead on it. What to do?

I don't necessarily want the money back but I would like for it to go where it was originally intended. Is there anything I can do?

Jon C

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