Payment pending/ echeque sent


I purchased an item on Ebay on Thursday, there was no money in my PayPal account at the time but I immediately transferred the amount the item costs from my bank after ordering the item. The money was in my account on Monday but PayPal had already sent an echeque which was pending until between the 22nd and the 27th, its the 22nd today but the payment is still pending.


This is my first time buying an item on Ebay through PayPal and I don't really know how the echeque process works, when the payment eventually goes through to the seller will PayPal use the funds that are in my account? Or will it take the payment from my bank account? I say this because it says my bank gets a request from Paypal then they pay the seller but the money is already in my account.


Any advice would help, thanks.

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I actually just checked my online banking statement and PayPal did indeed request funds for the item I bought and the funds were taking from my bank account.


So I think I'll just transfer the money I transfered myself from my bank to PayPal, back to my account.

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Hi baldy456,


I’m glad you contacted in today to get this clarified. An eCheque is an electronic funds transfer that moves money directly from your bank account, through your PayPal account, into another user's PayPal account. It's just like writing a cheque, only it’s done electronically.

An eCheque payment will always take the full payment amount from your bank account and doesn't use any money from your PayPal balance. eCheque is the only way to send a payment while maintaining your PayPal balance. When you're making a payment we'll show you, under the heading of 'Funding Options', if eCheque is the selected payment method for that transaction. If you want to have the option to send instant payments, you'll need to add another payment method, like a second bank account or a credit card so it's available under the 'funding options' also. We use this bank account or credit card if we can’t get the funds from your bank.

eCheques differ from Instant Bank Transfers, as they are not instant payments. With eCheque payments, your bank account will be debited when you begin the transaction. However, the transaction status will remain pending until the recipient receives the money, 5 to 7 working days later.

To pay by eCheque, follow these steps:

1. Go to and log in to your PayPal account.

2. Click the Send Money tab.
3. Enter the required information and click Continue.
4. In the Payment Method section of the Review Your Payment page, click Change.
5. Select eCheque and click Continue.
6. Review the information and click Send Money to complete the transaction.

Note: You can view the expected clearing date of your eCheque by clicking on the Details link next to the transaction in your ‘History’.


I hope this info helps.



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Hi baldy456


If u link your ppal account to your bank u wont have to transfer money from your bank every time u make a purchase


When linked u never have to have funds in your ppal to make a payment as ppal will use the funds from your back up source(bank) then u can instant payments instead of echeques

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