How to reduce cart total for credits brought forward.

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Let's say that I credit an existing regular customer of mine with £10 for goods returned. Refund is not taken - the balance is shown as a credit on their account with me against future purchases. Let's say they now buy items to the value of £25. My cart shows £25 less account balance b/f £10, leaving £15 to pay. How do I show this in PayPal Payment Standard using my own cart? The only way I have been able to do this is to show a £10 discount - but that is not correct - it is not a discount.

It seems to me that it would be helpful if the html variables included a discount_name_cart so that I could have some control over what is displayed (in this case "balance b/f") - and perhaps we should be able to have more than one discount option (what If I also offered a one-off special £2 discount to all orders over £20). Ideally my cart (and PayPal) should show:


Big widget    £16

Small widget   £9

Discount      (£2)

Balance b/f  (£10)

Total         £13


 The only way I seem to be able to do this, currently, is



Big widget    £16

Small widget   £9

Discount     (£12)

Total         £13


Any ideas?

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