Transaction on Hold, cannot receive funds...sent odd email

New Community Member

I received the following email after providing my PayPal details for an art commission, the customer paid me but I received NO MONEY in my account, however I got this email:


Your Account isn’t a Business Account which makes us put this transaction on hold,as the sender sent from a Business Account,so we won’t be able to release this payment into your Account.


This will make us hold the payment until you get credited by ([Account name]) with an additional $###.00 USD so you can receive the pending payment.

This won’t be visible to you on your PayPal Application,as you haven’t followed the requested instructions so you can get it.


This is happening because you got credited from an upgraded business account user.


We won’t be able to credit your account until this account limit has been expanded and upgraded to a business account.

We will put you through some steps you need to carry out before you can solve this.


([Account name]) is expected to send an additional payment of $###.00 USD to your account,so that you can get upgraded.


Sending you an Additional amount will make us Upgrade your Account to a Business Account,as this will show that you are trusted by a Business Account to even send for the second time,then your Account will get Upgraded.



The total sum of $####.00 USD will be credited to your account after they upgrade is done 

Where did my money go? who did my customer pay?? how can I get this money in my account and/or get it back, please help!!

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