Refut de remboursement

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Bonjours, J'ai acheter un grade sur un serveur car j'était surpirt de ses avantages écrit dans le site puis après 10 minutes de test je vois que les avantages ne son pas appliquer puis j'ai fais une demande de litiges mais il mon répondu avec ce messages "While I am sorry to see your dispute, due to the nature of digital goods, all purchases are final and non-refundable. As I'm sure you can appreciate this is standard practice when such digital rewards such as in-game items are immediately delivered. I can see from our records that the commands to provide these items have been executed and are available for you. Please note that, as per our terms, we unfortunately cannot provide guarantees regarding the performance or availability of such ancillary services, if they, as in this case, have not prevented us from delivering your purchase. If you continue to experience difficulties in receiving these commands, please contact our support team (removed) so that we can assist further. While we work to resolve this issue with you, we will keep Hypixel Server Store updated with progress, and you will be unable to make further purchases via stores using the Tebex platform. Once this inquiry has been closed, you will be able to make additional payments and your ban will be removed. quote"svp aidez moi je dois faire quoi. Cordialement , Anouar.

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