Email address not printing on packing slip


For a couple weeks now the packing slips I print from PayPal for eBay transactions are not showing the email address for the seller or buyer.  It just says N/A in that spot.  This looks really stupid on a packing slip.  I'd like the buyer to see my email address on the slip.  The packing slips I print for Etsy transactions do show the email address, so this seems to be a problem coming thru eBay.  I can find no information on how to manually insert the email address or how to correct the problem thru some setting on the site.  I assume this missing data problem occurred after an update to either PayPal or eBay.  I'm writing this to get the attention of the site moderators so that maybe they will check on the problem and have the code writers fix it.  I am also going to submit this issue to PayPal support.  I just want to have this problem seen by as many eyes as possible so maybe it will get fixed.  Thanks!

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