Pay in 4 not making sense

I’ve had seriously over 40+ Pay in Four loans I’ve all paid back on time, sometimes with over $2000+ total being loaned at a time. On top of this I have also had over a dozen pay monthly loans I’ve also paid back on time at the same time as I had the pay in four loans. Now I have one pay in four plan and owe $80 and it won’t approve me for anything I ask, I even tried one for $40 at the same merchant I use a lot and PayPal supports. Nothing has changed in my credit history besides my score going up consistently for years, nothing negative added, anything like that. It constantly claims my current amount owed is too high. At one point I had no current loans and it still said the amount I owe is too high. I work in finance and have a lot of experience with credit and loans, nothing adds up at this point. It seems possible at this point there is something I can’t see acting against me or some kind of issue with my account being flagged or my information not being correct. The only other thing I can think of is it thinks I have loans opened that I don’t due to me paying off some in advanced. For example say I got approved for a six month loan and pay it off in four, perhaps for the next two months it will still think I have a loan? Any help is appreciated, I’ve been asking for it to get checked out but I only get generic responses back so far when I reach out to support due to probably looking like I’m just whining.
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Sorry I ranted but just want to clarify: I understand it’s not offered everywhere and might be denied at some places. This is happening at places it for sure is offered and has been approved multiple times. It seems if I wait a few hours sometimes it will approve the same loan it denied earlier too.


my most recent reply from PayPal was someone saying they agree I have a ton of past loans I paid off and they didn’t understand either but still didn’t escalate it for me lol. 

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I haven't been able to use "pay in 4" for over 3 months now. It just quit working for me, saying that my address couldn't be found. Though it's the same address I've had for 20 years, and I have used for every one of my past "pay in 4" transactions. I've worked with USPS to make sure my residential address is registered correctly, I've contacted my bank to see if anything had changed regarding my address, and everything is perfect with them. I've called PayPal, today made the 6th time in the last 3 months. They can't tell me anything, only that they'll "take note of it". They actually recommended closing my PayPal account, and starting all over, that's crazy! I've had my account for 13 years, I can't just drop it.

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I have reached out by messages a bunch of times but everyone is under the impression I don’t know what’s going on and am just complaining for no reason and sends generic responses. It’s like I definitely understand it probably comes off like I’m just mad about wanting loans approved but it’s more like I spent so long I thought building credit with PayPal paying off loans and all it did was somehow make it so I can’t get more lol Thank you I think I will try calling to see if it is better

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Did you manage to solve the problem?   smile2.png smile2.png

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So far I have managed to get one more loan approved for $80, so right now I have two and owe $100 total. It is just weird to have such a small limit when a few months ago I had 10 pay in four plans at once at one point for hundreds of dollars total and paid them all off on time lol. I have a theory that it’s not actually checking out my credit for some reason but I don’t know why or how to fix it.
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