New Experience Paypal Website.


Awesome...  You know what I love?


Waking up in the morning to go check out my Paypal, eBay, and banks on all their various websites, and finding out that one of my professional (presumably) business websites has been taken over by some kids and turned into some Disney-Twitter-wannabe-site.


I don't know about anyone else, but when a company makes radical, overnight changes to a site I use every day to deal with my money, I get irritated.  


When I first logged in, there was only one option on the bottom for changing back the website to the 'classic' version.  It literally said, 'view classic site'.  However, it was not the classic site.  It was some mock version of the classic site and only showed the summary page.  Changing pages instantly took you back to the kid version.


I ended up calling Paypal, and upon their instructions to refresh back to the main page and look for a new option to 'opt out', I found it and was able to opt out of the 'new (kid) experience' and return to the classic, adult site.


I don't understand why they did it that way.  You should never be assualted with such changes upon log-in with no announcements or guide as to what the changes are and where everything is.  Maybe I want to take a look at the new experience...maybe I'll like it (well, I'll never like the bubbly, kiddie crap layout, but maybe it was feature-rich), I don't know, and I don't think I'll find out because the opt out seemed pretty final.


Considering my tone and explaination to the representitive on the phone, as well as the feedback from the opt out pop-up, and my follow-up feedback submission, I believe Paypal has a pretty good idea where I stand on this issue, but for some reason I wanted to create a message on the community board as well.  Go me.


What was your 'new experience' like?

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If a large number of people use the Classic site, then maybe they will eventually get the message that the new site is lousy and either fix it (to be more like the Classic Site) or simply go back to the old site.

I hate the jumnping pictures on the home page, I hate the new summary page because it is hard to spot unshipped items and has a lot less actual transactions on the page, etc. 

New site is crap. 

Not just because it is different, but because it is less useful to its customers, the people who are using it to support their businesses and make their customers happy as efficiently as possible.



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oh my gosh, perfectly said, no user friendly at ALL, why change a great system, we're the customer! Without us you don't have paypal at all...

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I cannot find ANYTHING, including a link to my Working Capital page & information. I cannot archive what I have already finished so EVERYTHING keeps showing up in the Activity instead of only what I need to see. This is a HORRIBLE layout.  I used to be able to choose the classic site but now am forced to use this new site.

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

New users don't know the difference as they have nothing to compare to.


As for some seasoned users, we are challenged - site navigation has changed a bit and we're missing a few features we had with old interface.

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Yes,  Yes I do.   I did all my shipping through Paypal and now I can't find the multi label shipping.     Heading to the post office in the morning and more than likely will close my paypal account since it's quickly becoming useless.

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I did find the multi order shipping link, it is on the main summary, off and down on the left hand side.

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Im loosing it over here trying to find the dang IPN page. Need to make a simple update and its no where to be found. Why change something great that needs nothing changed. 

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YES, I do not like this new format.  I cannot find anything either and have just posted a question regarding locating my past transaction history because I can't find it anywhere.  This is horrible!!   I have been with Paypal a long while now and wish they would bring back the format we had before.  As a seller and buyer, I found it so much easier to use.

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New Community Member

I agree, it's awful, go back to classic site IMMEDIATELY and fire the person who designed the new look.

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We are missing many things that were there just a few weeks ago.  How are we supposed to do things when we can't find things like PayPal's Multi-order Shipping Tool.  I am so mad at PP for changing to this format.

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