To PayPal: close My Account Now!


PayPal has the nerve to ask why us why we want to close our account.


Its because of the constant runaround and lies you give us users every time we call you.


If you don't not close our account as requested multiple times we will filing a complaint with the appropriate state and federal authorities.


We have recorded your conversations giving false information and these will turned over as evidence.


There may also be legal action.


Last chance! Last warning!


We will be switching to the several free services offered by our various banks instead! We will not have to deal with your corrupt business practices.

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You need to contact customer services to resolve any account issues.
Click help / contact bottom left of Paypal pages for options available for your country.

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PayPal Customer Service is the PROBLEM!

1. Attempted to close our account myself and the system gives an error message saying that bank transfers were still in progress.

2. Bank transfers are not in progress. All money is sitting in my bank account.

3. Called PayPal. This is family business account. The account owner is my mother. I am listed as one of the other owners although the actual business is owned by me. The sales tax permit is in my name as well as tax filings. The account owner does not run PayPal the account. I setup the PayPal account and I run it. The formerly linked bank account and credit card are registered to me.

I was told by the PayPal representative that I needed to get the account owner on the phone to verify that I am authorized user. I did that! Later I was told I needed to have the account owner get on phone each time I called. Then this was changed to every time I talked to a different PayPal representative on the same phone call.

4. I am told I have bank transfers in progress. There are none. They pretend to check and then can't tell me what they are or say there are none.

5. I am told that I have a balance in my account. No there is no balance and then they pretend to check only to find there is no balance. They even ask if I am o.k. with closing an account with a balance as I would loose it. THERE IS NO BALANCE YOU LIARS!

6. I am given the "its taking time for my computer to load" excuse. Does PayPal use computers from the 1980s or what?

7. I am told that they will close an account after they send us a text message code. I tell them them that is not possible as I don't use a mobile phone. I tell them that any message that they send will go to the phone I am currently talking on. They don't listen and say they sent the message anyway, which means I would never get the message as it was sent to phone be currently used.

8. Then a representative says that because the text message can't be sent they need to ask  publicly known questions. One of the questions is what the year is of a car we own? We own two of the same model with different years so which they talking about? After passing all these questions then we are told by the representative that they can't close the account on their end and I must do it.

9. Clicking on the link to close the account it occasionally displays a message that they can't verify who I am and that I should contact PayPal. Then later it reverts back to the bank transfer error. Then they try to use the famous excuse "its the browser causing the issue". No it is not the browser. I have five installed and all give the same error.

9. The latest excuse was that I exceeded some limit on attempts to close the account and I must wait 24 or 48 hour depending on who you talk with. I tell them to show me where this information is on the site and they can't. Nor can they provide any written documentation about what they verbally are claiming.

10. PayPal's phone system does not work. Does not recognize our phone number, the birthdate of the owner or the last four digits of s.s. Repeatedly entered these and they all failed.

10. Multiple other B.S. on top having to talk to people with a Indian, Eastern European or Spanish accent that you can't understand and who don't have native understanding of American English!

11. We are not going to call again! Close the account or face the legal consequences! We are done with you scumbags!

Paypal is a company who employees nothing but habitual liars. I am under the impression that no one that works has a single moral fiber in their bodies. Then they have the nerve to ask why we want to close the account. GET LOST!

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You need to contact customer services to resolve any account issues.
Click help / contact bottom left of Paypal pages for options available for your country.

Advice is voluntary.
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Who the hell marked this as solved! You are a fraud!

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Well as there is NO other advice anyone can give you APART from contact custmer services then its solved isn't it.



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