What Business Type for Blog Donations?

New Community Member

I've created a blog that documents our family's journey through the adoption process, and I'd like to add a donation button to the site for anyone who would like to contribute to our fund raising efforts. I know that in order to do this and remain anonymous, I need to set up a business account, but I don't know if I should select 'Individual Proprietorship' or 'Nonprofit Organization'. This isn't technically a business at all, but all funds will go towards adoption-related expenses.


Any help is welcome! Thanks.


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Hello LM86,


Welcome to the Forums.


You have really good questions in regards to how to set up your PayPal account for your non-profit blog. When setting up your PayPal account for a non-profit business you would need to provide non-profit paper work such as 5013c documents. If you are not classified as a non-profit you would select  'Individual Proprietorship' and use the donation button. I hope this helps and Good luck Smiley Wink


Smiley HappyMisty 



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