Short terms donations


 A group of us are trying to raise money for a friend of ours in the service. HE is a combat medic and soon to be deployed to a combat unit in Afghanistan
  We are trying to figure out how to collect the money for him to be able to buy a more advanced  body armor then that  issued by DoD.

  IS there any way  to create a short term account just for this purpose that does not require all of the additional fees. IN total we are hoping to raise about 6000. Most of this coming out of our circle of family and friends in Facebook. And only Going to one payment at one company.

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Unfortunately not.    There are no "short term" type accounts.  You can close your account at any time.  As you are not a registered non-profit, you are subject to the base transaction processing fees, presently at 2.9% + $.30 per transaction.   Note, you will need either a PayPal Premier or PayPal Business Account, a bank account and credit card.  This will allow you to offer the credit card option to your donors or they can open/use their PayPal Account.






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