(urgent) Im about to make a payment via paypal and need your advice

New Community Member
Hi I have a contact online whos willing to sell his concert tickets and he provided me with his paypal account. He is willing to send the tickets via first class next day delivery with tracking number as soon as he receives the payment. But im worried that he could just take the money and not send the post. I have confirmed that his paypal account email is valid since paypal said the email is already registered when i tried to sign up on paypal. My question is, if i do proceed and make the payment via paypal and do not receive the tickets, do i stand any chance on paypal getting my money back by opening a dispute or a case? Any word of advice is appreciated!!
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Frequent Advisor

Ticket scams are quite common. 


Suggest asking the seller to send you an invoice instead of you simply using the Send Money feature.



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