Unable to get funds in my paypal account sent by survey site.



I have a personal paypal account which I am using to receive payments from the online survey works.

This is my first transaction with paypal.


On 15th December 2020, I got a mail from paypal stating that Cint AB has sent a payment in my paypal account.


But their message in the mail says

'Before we can deposit the funds into your account, we need a bit more information about your account or recent transactions. To provide that, just log in to your account, and go to your account overview. Select the More menu, then choose the link that takes you to our Resolution Centre. Please provide the missing information by 14 January 2021, or the funds will be returned to the sender.'


I went to the resolution centre as advised, but could not find any missing information.


I Don't understand what is required and why are they holding the money.


If anyone can help or understands what this is about, I would really appreciate.

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