My money disappeared


I tried to transfer my money from paypal to my debit card last sunday and I got a message which said that it will take 2-3 days.


Today I opened my paypal and the money weren't there, unfortunately they weren't in the debit card either. I went to the bank and they said there were no problems; they just did not receive anything. When I checked paypal again the withdrawal status said that the transaction was completed but the money was nowhere to be found.


The bank advised me to contact paypal. Does anybody have an idea what could have happened?


A little more backstory: my debit card expired a few months ago and I renewed it. I then entered the new expirasion date (it's correct I already checked) in paypal and I have not made any payments or purchases after that that. Could this be part of the problem? 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Not sure i understand, you can't transfer to a card on to a UK paypal account only via a bank account.

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I'm not from USA or the UK if that matters (I know that PayPal has different options for different countries) but here is what I did:

I went to My Account > Withdraw > Withdraw funds to your card. Then I got a message that the fee will be 2 euro plus some percentage of the transferred amount and right there it said that it will take a maximum of 2-3 days. This is the 5th day and I'm beginning to get a little worried.


Any advice would be appreciated.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Well this is the UK board so if you are not from the UK best to post on your own board as paypal is country specific with diiffering rules per country.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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