Transfer question

Ok so day before yesterday I transferred money in my paypal account to my bank card, usually I transfer straight to the bank account itself but i saw where if you transfer with the card it takes about 30 mins, well i did that and waited then called my bank and asked if they had seen any pending items, they told me that transfering to the card rather than the bank account itself actually takes longer for the money to transfer to the bank account. I have still yet to see anything pending in the bank account since i made the transfer, so my question is, how long could it take for the money to become usable? Again I transferred the money to my bank account using my debit card linked to my bank account instead of to the bank account itself. I figured i would at least see something by now 😞
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There's really no good answer, this is what PayPal says:   Estimated arrival: about 30 minutes.  (But each transaction is different it seems.)

And then they say this:   All transfers are subject to review and could be delayed or stopped if PayPal cannot identify an issue.  That's the out if the funds are not there in 30 minutes or less.   The process has worked flawlessly for some people and has been a pain for other.   


As long you're using an eligible Visa & MasterCard debit or prepaid card, the card will be shown to you in the "To" drop-down in the withdrawal page.  The money will be moved to the bank account associated with the card selected during withdrawal.  Some people have tried cards that were not elibible and then nothing happens.

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