Pre-Approved Payments Stopped Working


Frustrating sequence of events currently going on with my PayPal account. I last used PayPal yesterday (Apr 4) to load $20 into my Starbucks account. The transaction went through fine. Hours later, I tried purchasing tickets via StubHub and was told PayPal was invalid. OK, maybe the two systems are having a hard time. Later in the evening, I notice that Apple will not allow me to purchase anything from the App Store, saying that PayPal transaction is declined. For the sake of testing, I try to load more money into my Starbucks account, and that says PayPal has declined my transaction as well. So, in less than 24 hours it went from working to denied, but only for preapproved payment vendors.


Things I have checked:

My CC in PayPal is valid and has money available.

There are no listed restrictions in PayPal.


Things I have tried:

Sending money to a friend via - Worked flawlessly using my bank account.

Cancelling and restarting preapproved payments - Tried with Apple, still fails


Has anyone else experienced problems similar to this? 

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Small update:


Confirmed with CC company that transactions are not being declined by them because they are not even going to them, they are stopping in PayPal.


If I try to reload Starbucks from the web, it starts to work, and then it cancels the transaction AFTER I get the email.


I tried a gaming website which is a preapproved payment and it worked fine pulling from my bank account.



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