Pay with both PayPal and Creditcard


 Hi everyone. This may have been answered, but I didn't quite understand it maybe.


To explain, I want to pay half the ammount with paypal, and half with my bank account, is that possible.


For instance, I need to pay an item that costs 20$, however I have 9.5$ on PayPal, while 18$ on my Bank Account.


So is it a valid transtaction? Can this be paid on this way?

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If you have funds in your paypal account balance in the same currency as the person you are paying AND you don't use pay after delivery then paypal will always use those funds as the default funding source.


If there is not enough in there for the complete payment they will take the rest from your bank account.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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I tried that now and it doesn't work.


Paypal balance is in dollars while the creditcard is in euros. There si surely plently of money combined (credit card + paypal) to pay for the expense, but it doesn't work.

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