Onsite event registration - Kiosk - need autologout!


 Hi everyone.


When we have events, our web site uses the cart option for Payments Standard to process.  Buyers can log into their Paypal accounts (or create them) or bypass the account login and just pay by credit card.  After finishing (or via the cancel), the browser comes back to our site.  All well and good as long as this is not a shared device!


When we have registration on site using kiosks (e.g. Tablets) that are shared, this is bad, because there is no automatic log out from Paypal from the last person! If the timer-based logout happens on the Paypal servers, then we are okay, but we cannot rely on that.


What is the solution or best practice for this?  How do we tell paypal to automatically log out/clear information on the browser upon cancel or completion?  



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