Issue with Adding Bank Account in PayPal: Redirects to Dashboard Instead


Hello, PayPal Community!

I've encountered a rather puzzling issue while trying to add a bank account to my PayPal account. Whenever I click on "Add a Bank Account," PayPal redirects me back to the dashboard without allowing me to input my bank details. Strangely, this doesn't happen when I attempt to add a new credit card, it takes me to the respective screen to add the card information.

Has anyone else experienced this problem, or does anyone have any insights on why this might be happening? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or solutions to resolve this matter. 

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Hello @am3yyyyzo

Thanks for stopping by the Community, and welcome! 

I'm sorry to hear you're unable to add a bank account to your PayPal. In some countries, you can only add a card, which might be why you're being backed out of the screen. If that's the situation where you live, it could be a connection issue. I recommend clearing your cache and cookies or trying on a different web browser. If the issue persists, please reach out to Customer Support by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of the PayPal website. Support can also be found on Twitter (X), Facebook, and Instagram

I hope you can add a bank soon! 

- Meghan

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Thank you for your response and suggestions. I appreciate your willingness to assist. However, I've already tried clearing my cache, switching browsers, and even using my phone, but the issue persists. Just to clarify, adding a bank account is allowed in my country, so that shouldn't be the problem. It's frustrating not being able to resolve this. I've also attempted to contact PayPal's support team, but I haven't been able to reach them. They directed me to post my issue here in the community. If you or anyone else has encountered a similar situation or has any additional recommendations, I would be grateful for your insights. Thanks again for your help.
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