Receiving: Paypal keeps auto-converting despite wallet


I'm in Germany and my primary currency is EUR, but I have a GBP wallet because I've been receiving payments in GBP for the past 2 years.
This has never been an issue, Paypal always immediately added the received GBP to my GBP wallet and whenever the currency rate was decent enough I could convert and withdraw the money when *I* decided to do that.

Unfortunately for the last two payments, Paypal has been automatically converting the amount from GBP to EUR without my permission or notification. The money is sent in GBP, I receive it in GBP (which I know from the email confirmation as well as the kinda hidden detailed statement history where I see the conversion took place) and when I login it's already added under the EUR wallet balance instead of GBP balance. 
I contacted Paypal customer service since it made me lose some money (because obviously I wouldn't have converted/withdrawn it with the current bad rates). The lady couldn't really help me and didn't know why it happened but offered a voucher to me. But this isn't a long-term solution since the payments are regular and I'd lose money every time it's done like this when it shouldn't. 

Paypal's Currency/Wallet FAQ clearly states how it's supposed to be:

"When someone sends you money in a currency that you haven’t opened, we’ll ask you to accept or deny the payment."
-> doesn't apply to me because I already have a GBP wallet, the money was always added automatically to my GBP wallet before 

"When someone sends you money in a currency that you’ve opened, we automatically add it to the relevant balance."
-> this has been the case for the past 2 years and suddenly stopped working 

What can I do about it? Should I try closing the wallet and readding it maybe? Are there any new settings that could have changed it? 

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Looks like the behavior when receiving non primary currencies can be set:



View solution in original post

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Hello @alltoowell,


Welcome to our community help forum and thanks for posting here!


I understand your concern about the currency conversion. In this case, I would suggest you to contact our team to get this checked further. You can contact us by clicking the contact us option at the bottom of PayPal page or send us a message through our Twitter(@AskPayPal) and Facebook page.


I hope this information helps!


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Sorry for the necro bump on this thread but I'm having the exact same problem, my primary currency is EUR but I received a payment in USD and it didn't go into my USD wallet, it got automatically converted to EUR.


Did you get it fixed? what did you tell the support agent? I contacted PayPal via Facebook but the support agent told me that "this is due to the primary currency."


This shouldn't be the case as far as I can tell from what the site says:


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Looks like the behavior when receiving non primary currencies can be set:



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I am having the same issue, and I used the method described by filipmania. My option is slightly different. It says: "Yes, accept payment and create new holding balance in that currency". There is no "either adding to an existing balance". I will report back if Paypal stops auto converting or not. 

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