Account restricted regarding F&F payments


Hello people,


my account got restricted many years ago because of some dumb actions while I was still young. Unfortunately I cannot receive any payment via F&F anymore.


I tried to reactivate it by calling the support but they told me that they cannot see any restrictions. What can I do? 


Best regards


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Hello @hacime


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues receiving funds via Friends & Family. Depending on how you've received Friends and Family payments in the past and if it was misused, the option to use F&F may no longer be available. Unfortunately, there's normally not a way to reinstate that option once it's been removed. Since it sounds like you've already reached out to our Customer Support, any transactions you receive in the future may need to be through Goods & Services. 


My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause,


 - Jon K

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