Zettle Issues


I hope this is the right place to post this. I have long used PP Here and dutifully switched to Zettle once informed of this forced migration. I was extremely disappointed in the lack of migration tools (importing customers and inventory). The whole thing seems poorly implemented, clunky, not centralized, but I was able to get it done. Fast forward to now and Zettle Issues have surfaced making me think this solution may be worse than PP Here.

My business uses both POS and invoicing. The latter extensively at the urging of PP, them stating it is more secure (we got robbed for $820 for a payment PP accepted by a stolen card - PP did nothing for us even though THEY accepted payment... but I digress). Back to this Zettle thing:

PayPal Zettle Issues



  • Staff are allowed to refund and cancel invoices they didn't create.



  • Customers are forced to sign up for PayPal - this is NOT going to work.
  • It is not possible to edit invoices (must cancel and create new).
  • Sale details for keyed sales removes the descriptions so we only see it was iZettle Key-in.



  • Cancelling invoices is a convoluted multi-step process requiring several logins.
  • View invoice details show Memo to Self box that contains hashed code. Weird.
  • Turn off forced receipt of copy of sent invoices. Should be a choice.
  • Turn off forced cust. receipt of copy of cancelled invoices. Should e



  • Stop blurting out the account balance when I call PP. Instead ASK if want it.
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Agreed - I came here to figure out what's the deal with Zettle. We used PP Here before for accepting in person CC payments and just used Zettle for the first time this weekend and we're really frustrated - mainly by two things: 


1. With PP Here when we swiped someone's card with the reader in person it frequently showed their name in the transaction / on the receipt and if they already had used that card on PP before it seemed to auto recognize that and would also show their email address to easily send a receipt. Zettle is seemingly not detecting or showing anything about the customer and the effort that has to be put in to enter such info is not compatible with a quick checkout process.  With Zettle, as OP mentioned, customers need to be signed up just to add someone's name to a transaction. And then having a very clunky and time consuming process to add name and email address. With a whole long info screen for customer to read - this does not work when you have a line of people waiting to complete CC transactions. 


2. So we made the effort to put SOME names and email addresses in while completing transactions and now I find that Reports don't seem to even contain this information. The customer information that we entered during a transaction is not showing up anywhere in Zettle or PayPal reports, transactions, receipts. This information just seems to have gone into a Customer database, and I can go to the customer and see what transaction they have had, but I can't generate a report (list) or transactions that includes customers name. This is not useful. 


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Exactly Same Here!!!

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