$2500 penalty


What is the new policy being imposed on Nov 3rd? If I don’t maintain any balance but only use it for purchases, there shouldn’t be any money to steal from me, right?

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If Paypal ever attempts to Fine us I will cancel my account forever.

How dare you as a financial institution attempt to gag or coerce your customers into complying with YOUR beliefs?

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Exactly my thought!  That language didn't find its way into the terms and conditions by accident... somebody must've actually thought it was a good idea.  PayPal MUST proactively state that this is something that they wouldn't eve contemplate doing in the future.  While they are at it they can include a statement saying they'd never kick someone off PayPal for exercising their First Amendment Freedom of Speech.

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Obviously  someone in power put policy in place.  Have we heard how this actually happened ??  It seems like the woke culture at paypal is now like Google.   Liberal automatons by nature think they are always right and allow no room for discussion or debate.  All of them seem to have a lack of self-esteem And can only survive by shaming and blaming others who do not follow their Orwellian agenda.   They like to change the language such as calling prolife person ANTI- abortion and then their sheep will follow. Unless I hear of policy of future non-censorship I will say goodbye to PayPal

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I attempted to close my account but Paypal states there is an error and will not close. When I attempt to engage chat support, it states I have 0 issues but will not let me close. Anyone else encounter this?



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Having the same problem.
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In the past 2 weeks, PayPal has “accidentally” banned free speech groups in UK and issued new terms of service that allows it to fine users $2,500 for “misinformation”. PayPal claims these are in error but it seems unlikely these would have happened without approval. Is this acceptable? If PayPal continued in this direction, will you cancel your account?
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New Community Member
Well if this is true I’m closing my account! I’m sick of businesses trying to get rid of free speech. If PayPal did initiate this than they owe everyone money and an apology.
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yes. I might cancel anyway. Accidental my butt

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Dont forget to close any paypal credit card you might have also and be sure to de-link connected accounts and move your crypto out too.  Ive been with PayPal for 17 years, they BLEW it!

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This is the first time a major bank has threatened to fine people for their behavior, and the legality of this is unclear.

The terms say that if you spread “misinformation” you will get fined for each thing you say. It’s unclear how that would be determined, but one would assume that “the coronavirus pandemic was fake and the vax is what’s deadly” would cost you $5,000, as you are making two factual (i.e., “misinformation”) claims.

Of course, you can also be fined for “hate.”

Two of PayPal’s founders, David Marcus and Elon Musk, spoke out against these new terms.



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