Scammers spoofing Paypal's address/website, what can be done?


For the past few days I've been receiving emails that are purported to be from Paypal's site (sender is shown with the [Removed]) saying I have a money request. It is not addressed to me specifically but "appreciated_customer_base@chicfabricboutique store" and tells me some woman sent me a money request for $799.99 USD and the note itself says "We appreciate your response" and includes a phone number. It even includes a transaction number (which is the same on every single email) and transaction date. The phone number and the fact it's not addressed to me is enough to make me think it's a scam email. Also when I logged into my Paypal account here, there was no such request showing up. I forwarded it to the phishing paypal address and got the usual "thank you" response. 


What bothers me is that this scammer keeps sending me the same exact email day after day. I think this must be the 3rd or 4th day I've received this same email. I can't block them because the sender has what looks like a legit Paypal address in it and I don't want to block actual legit Paypal addresses. I checked the headers of the message and the real email domain appears to be  



Does anyone know of a way to block this email without blocking legit Paypal emails? Or is my only option to delete the messages when they come in and hope that this particular scammer will finally tire of sending me emails after I refuse to take the bait? Would greatly appreciate any advice. thanks.

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And I just received another one today. That makes 4 or 5 days in a row. It's getting really tiresome to have to just delete them every day since I can't block due to them spoofing PayPal's email address.

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