PayPal debit card declined transactions


So if you use your PayPal card instead of being signed in your PayPal debit card, where does this activity show when it's declined the transactions that go through are listed in my transaction history, but not the ones that are declined cannot see who is trying to charge my card and it's driving me baddie you know for supposedly trying to look out for your customers security and safety you guys sure do muck it up a lot. If you really did care about our security we would be able to see all aspects of our transactions not just the ones you choose to display for us.

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Esteemed Advisor



Firstly we are not ''you guys'' as this is a user to user advice forum and not paypal customer services.

Secondly are you talking about paying as a guest buyer via a card to a sellers paypal account instead of logging in to your paypal account to pay?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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