worst company in history forcing my account to be in limbo.


Worst company I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.


-Join a market site
-Make a deal
-Accept someones offer
-Proceed to payment
-Sign up to paypal to make the payment
-Get 2 emails at the exact same time - 1 asking me to verify my email address, the other telling me that my account is due for "closure" before it is even opened
-My transaction attempts get denied
-Try to log in to paypal directly, get an error saying my password that I made less than 3 minutes prior is "wrong"
-Reset password
-Log in, get asked for security questions and verification code via text
-Finally logged into to the most pathetic attempt at a website in modern history
-See that it is not humanly possible to even try and contact a human to ask about the sheer idiocy I am facing
-Find out that I am not allowed to make payments
-Find out that I am not allowed to unlink my card from the account paypal instantly crippled
-Find out that I am not allowed to request account closure myself but at the same time am given no estimate for when their forced "closure" will take place
-Go to the forums to see if anyone else has experienced this level of immeasurable stupidity and how they resolved it, get censored for saying a no-no word, god forbid a site aimed exclusively at adults contains a more than justified word said in frustration that is not toddler friendly.

-^ there are no means to contact any humans to even try and seek help with problems caused 100% by paypals immeasurable idiocy, yet they have people on hand to quickly and pointlessly censor the forums, yet more evidence that their customers are not their priority

-So what am I supposed to do? My card is linked to an account that paypal crippled before even opening it, they refuse to let me make payments while the account is technically open, they refuse to let me remove my card from the account, they give no time period for when they will close the account and do not allow me to close it myself to speed up the process.



In all my time on this earth I have never met a company so painfully stupid. It would be a more pragmatic and safer option to throw my wallet at a homeless herion addict, they would do a better job of managing finances and allowing me access to my own funds than this company can muster. Also it is irrefutable that they know they are terrible and simply do not care, I was asked to complete a survey about my experience on their site and all it offers is a 1-10 rating system, at no point were there any text boxes to allow us to explain our rating, so they clearly have zero intention of listening to feedback and learning where they could improve. I had not thought it possible for the company to be as bad as the overwhelming negative reviews make it sound, but egg on my face huh? they truly are the most incompetent, stupid and inept company you could ever possibly witness, the site exists to serve one specific purpose, one which they fail at before an account even opens and then despite the fault being entirely on their end they do everything humanly possible to avoid any possible means of communication to resolve issues.pathetic

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