Refund denied


Today I opened my bank account and saw there was 40$ missing that went to discord, I was confused since I had not been on discord at all today. I then logged into my Paypal since it said it was through Paypal and realised I must have been hacked either there, or on discord. The payment was still pending, so I quickly cancelled it. I then tried talking to Paypal support, and eventually went to the resolution centre, where I opened a case about unauthorised access and money being spent on my account, requesting a chargeback for these 4 separate discord nitro gift charges. I then email discord help, telling them about my issue. 20 minutes later I got an email from discord saying my account has been disabled because of a break of TOS or community guidelines, which said for instance "We've disabled your account for the following reason: Our records indicate that there are one or more chargebacks associated with purchases made on your account." This was not the response I was expecting, since I had made these chargebacks because of unauthorised purchases on my account, therefore I only wished to get back what was rightfully mine. I immediately opened an appeal and explained further in detail what had happened, and expressed how I hoped they could refund me, and restore my account. I later log back onto Paypal and see the case as been closed, and Paypal had conducted there was no unauthorised activity on my account. Which was weird, since I am pretty sure someone using my account to use my money without me knowing about it is classified as unauthorised access. I now cannot open a new case on these transactions, I am currently wondering if there is a way to dispute their conclusion, is that possible? I also think I will be contacting my bank when it opens tomorrow, trying to get them to return my money. It's annoying how discord disabled my account, after me having it for multiple years, and also having Paypal conclude there was no unauthorised activity when there obviously was. I just hope when discord responds and they are able to both compensate me and reactivate my account. My friend told me that if I got my money back I likely would not get my discord account back, although I'd rather have the money than the discord account, I pray I am able to receive both. I'd like to conclude this post by asking if anyone here has any advice for me. 

Also, I would like to thank those who read my post for taking time out of their day to try to help me. 🙂

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my problem after i started open a dispute requesting a refund paypal started contacting the seller and gave the seller time to respond within 10 days. and after 10 days The seller did not respond back. And my dispute was closed without refund and my account is still blocked so I can't do anything other than login only.
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