Paypal scam operator allowed to continue scamming and PayPal will not investigate


Happy New Year.  In NOVEMBER, I accidentally  SENT instead of my intended REQUEST for 350.00, from a user who had defrauded me out of merchandise prior to this mistake. This was in part a system error.  I frantically tried to find a CANCEL option immediately after realizing my mistake but my browser and interface on Paypal locked me out from selecting any such option....and thus prevented me from stopping the transaction.  I could not reach any PayPal support rep.  Their customer service was unavailable after 10 pm EST.  This individual promised a refund of money and subsequently ignored my repeated requests for same.  She is technically guilty of theft and fraud.  She had claimed she would reconcile this by returning money for an item she never sent me.  The intended request for the 350.00 amount was for that amount she already owed, but as I say, I made a human error and received ZERO support from PayPal after I thoroughly explained what had occurred.  Furthermore she has subequently gone 'silent' in my requests for refund of the 'accidental' payment -  That said, she CONTINUES to operate on the PayPal - continues to be allowed to maintain an account here - as well as other online commerce platforms, taking advantage of god knows how many others besides me.  Through all of this, PayPal did nothing but attach a negative balance on MY account and has done zero to even investigate who this person actually is, and what may very well be a case of identity fraud as I believe this individual is scamming people on a regular basis, steering them unknowingly into the 'general' vs 'merchant' realm of PayPal for payment, then stiffing them on items she claims to send via Mail.  I contacted Police in the area that I determined she may reside in - and have yet to have received a response - but provided all of this detail and transcripts of all chats/correspondence.  At minimum she has committed mail fraud and theft.


I am utterly frustrated and disgusted with the utter lack of interest by PayPal in the fact that there is a criminal actively using THEIR platform to defraud people of money.  Beyond that, their lack of understanding regarding a 'mechanical error' - in the accidental payment to this individual - and adamant refusal to even modestly assist in getting this individual's attention to recover the money she was not entitled to - has left me completely appalled at the company's policies, practices and overall attitude toward users.  Yeah, I get it - it didn't happen on the 'merchant' platform so you don't have an obligation to protect me or others who get duped into something.  To me that shouldn't matter when you know there's someone abusing your system and running a con under your domain.  You, PayPal are basically  saying...ok, if I would have accidentally paid instead of requested money from someone on the "Merchant" side - you would have called that transaction back.  But since the error just happened to be on the "personal" side of the system, you are off the hook, and saw a fast and easy way to confiscate my money.  Never mind that it was a total ACCIDENT, apparently.  That is some <removed> attitude to have in general.  I would be out of business if I treated my customers like that , but of course when you are a behemoth conglomerate, you can do that, right?  So wrong on so many levels.  

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New Community Member

Exactly what just happened to me and Paypal denied my claim.  I thought I was buying tickets for a game and found out the sales of those tickets were not available at that time.  I tried to cancel but the seller has a no cancel policy, period and I could not get a person to assist so I opened a dispute with paypal.  I ended up buying tickets directly withtthe venue at a third of the cost and NEVER received an email with the tickests that I have previously paid to the fraudulent seller.  

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