Email asks me to confirm that I would like to accept the payment from PayPal

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Someone says they have paid for a item on my marketplace on PayPal but they asked me to check for an email from an aol address that asks me to ‘accept the payment’ by replying to the email. I haven’t received any money in my PayPal account as yet and normally it happens automatically and instantly. Is this a scam? I’m not being asked for money but I assume he expects me to now send the items, even though I have not received any money.
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Esteemed Advisor



It’s a scam. 

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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Hi everyone! Thank you @sharpiemarker for your time! You beat me to the punch by just a couple minutes. Ha! We really appreciate all you do. 


Hello @Rupert_the_cat


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum. I'm glad you reached out regarding the notification you've received to 'accept the payment'. What you've described does share a few similarities with scams and fraudulent emails we've heard of in the past. I'd recommend reviewing the following Help Center article on How to spot a fake, fraudulent, or phishing email or site. 


It's a US-based article, but it has some very useful info for all countries. I hope that helps and good luck on your future sales.


 - Jon K

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