Dispute and Fraud using Paypal


This post is for my mum.


She had money taken out of her account from direct debit, from Paypal. She does not use Paypal. 

I have contacted her bank and we are disputing the charges.

Her bank has advised that she does not need to close her account and open a new one.


My worry is that, if it is direct debit - they have her BSB and Account number so they can do this again.

I want to contact Paypal to disable the account that stole her banking information, and also to ask how this happens? I thought there would be checks in place for direct debits - surely you can't just put in a BSB and Acc number with random names and addresses and it works?


All the case options to contact Paypal seem to only be for YOUR OWN Paypal transactions - and not for Paypal transactions that are not your own.


Thank you,

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Check to see if there's some way of changing the account number, as there were recurring payments that I tried to stop at one point, and couldn't get anything done through Paypal or the account that was billing me. My bank fixed it for me on that end.

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