Can't Make A Purchase on Etsy

New Community Member

Hi. I have been trying for days to purchase a digital product on Etsy. My payment gets declined: "Sorry we can't complete your purchase at this time - to comply with regulatory requirements, the transaction has been declined." I have checked everything Paypal suggests could be the problem when a payment is declined. Please help.

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Hello @marileen

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble making a purchase through Etsy. It sounds like you may be running into our Security System. Our Security reviews each individual transaction at the time of the purchase. Depending on the risk found, our system may not allow the purchase to go through. For more information, I recommend contacting Customer Support. You can reach Customer Support by clicking 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal website. Support is also available through Facebook private message or Twitter direct message.

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan 

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