How to connect the credit card and debit card button on a shopify store.


Hi, I have a shopify store in which i have only access to paypal normal payment option till now. I want to use the smart paypal button in which i get access to both credit and debit card. I have just started a shopify store , i also have daily traffics and add to carts but 90% because of the non availability of credit and debit card none of the customers are purchasing anything. It is causing lots of problem to me. I need some one to help me exactly step by step which code to be used and where exactly to be pasted on the shopify store for example in dawn theme to apply that smart paypal access. I know there is a page which explains how to do it but i guess it does not explain how to do it for specifically for shopify store. If there are any expert here i hope you could guide me through the exact codes to be pasted in the exact place.

Please this is very important for me, i am not able to make even a single sale even though i have some 20-30 add to carts. 

Someone who could answer this would be a real life saver so please dont hesitate to help.

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Just to add to the above points there are gigs on fiver specially saying that "Do you have only PayPal as a payment method No Worries, now i will make your store accepte Credit/Debit Card using PayPal only!" and are asking for $20 to $30 just to give the same thing. I guess they are just using the same code available from paypal and giving it in a easy format so that everyone can understand the exact steps to get the job done. Please help me, i would not like if you would just paste the documentation link of paypal and ask to go though it, because i have already done it but its way to complicated. 

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I have the same issue here! Any suggested replies would be much appreciated.

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